Yoga and Yoga Classes?

Yoga, yoga classes, and yoga asana are not always mutually inclussive of one another; they are not necessarily synonymous. It is possible, and I suspect common, for many “yoga classes” to very rarely touch on the Field of Yoga (click the link to read an...

The Field of Yoga

In many of my articles and blog posts I refer to the Field of Yoga. Here we will explore what I am referring to. The Field of Yoga (which I will oftentimes simply refer to with the capitalised word “Yoga,” as opposed to “yoga”) is a state of...

Music in Yoga Classes

Today I attended a yoga class, as the recipient. I’ve not been to many yoga classes in the past 17 years (or so), and few, if any, Hatha yoga classes. The teacher is a dear friend of mine, who is very dedicated to sharing yoga and being a life-giving influence...


The importance of grounding can not be over-emphasised. In the past few decades I’ve noted how many people (including myself in my mid to late teens) are looking for ungrounded experiences such as those common to drug and alcohol use, and endeavours such as...