
Inspiration from the sacred inner space of Yoga

One Day

ONE DAY As God, I stand Heaven On Earth, My beauty all around me.   As a tree, Strong, Tall Steady My feet firmly rooted in ground.   A seed, Of Love, I gave, To all my children, To plant in their souls and grow.   That one day, Omega, They might climb...

I sit silently Aware

I sit, silently aware In my En-lighten-ment, I sit, silent, Silently observing the waves of reality perpetually permeating my Being. I await thee, dear God, To awaken the full presence of all that you are, Throughout that which I am.   June 25th 1995  ...

Forever Expanding Awareness

Poem written 25 June 1995 In a vigilant attempt to comprehend the Absolute nature of my Realisation, I stumbled across my own non-existence and fell into vast Vacuity.   Totally losing my-self, Death arose without hesitation Embracing my very Being, Consuming the...

Yogic view of Cause and Effect – Part 1

The so-called Law of linear Cause and Effect is very prominent in our culture. Is it accurate, and how does a subtle shift in our understanding of cause and effect help us go deeper into Yoga?

Yoga from Gross to Subtle

It is important in the practice of yoga asana to not simply repeat the same mis-takes on reality we make during our normal waking hours. One of this mis-takes is the illusion that form and substance are primary, whilst space and emptiness are secondary or even...

Discussion on music in yoga classes (2)

After what I shared (viewable [intlink id="266" type="post" target="_blank"]here[/intlink]) another participant, John, had the following to say: I told myself I would not get involved in this discussion again but it appears to have veered back to the premise that it...

Discussion on music in yoga classes (1)

Today I responded to a discussion on LinkedIn about music in yoga classes. As I [intlink id="211" type="post" target="_blank"]wrote on this topic[/intlink] just a few days ago I felt to share on that discussion. I am posting below what I shared on LinkedIn. The...

Yoga and Yoga Classes?

Yoga, yoga classes, and yoga asana are not always mutually inclussive of one another; they are not necessarily synonymous. It is possible, and I suspect common, for many "yoga classes" to very rarely touch on the [intlink id="224" type="page" target="_blank"]Field of...

The Field of Yoga

In many of my articles and blog posts I refer to the Field of Yoga. Here we will explore what I am referring to. The Field of Yoga (which I will oftentimes simply refer to with the capitalised word "Yoga," as opposed to "yoga") is a state of consciousness in which one...

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