Beyond Heart and Mind

There comes a point when and where it ceases to be relevant talking about the head, the mind, the body, and the heart. That point is beyond time and space, beyond when and where. You will know when you’re there. In the interim, whilst we are still bound within...

State of Grace (a poem)

The sun is shining, God’s warm hands Touch Lightly my face Here I AM, Love manifest, State Of Grace.   Forget the past, And you have perfection found, Release the future, and Into you hands Freedom flows, With both these gone, True happiness grows.  ...

One Day

ONE DAY As God, I stand Heaven On Earth, My beauty all around me.   As a tree, Strong, Tall Steady My feet firmly rooted in ground.   A seed, Of Love, I gave, To all my children, To plant in their souls and grow.   That one day, Omega, They might climb...